

When you click the second button on the right , Jingle will switch to the Calendar page, which organizes your events to be displayed in a Calendar.



Click this button to move to the next month. Click this button to move to the last month. Click this button to move to the next year. Click this button to move to the last year.

The circle means ití»s today.

A tick (í░xí▒) before an event in the Calendar means this event has been completed.


There are several buttons under the Calendar:




When you click the Filter button, a list of alarm types will pop up. An event can appear in the calendar only when its alarm type is selected in the list.



Print Calendar


Print Preview / Print button can be used to preview and print the current calendar.


Click Calendar


Click a day in the Calendar. If several events happen in this day, an event list for the day will pop up. You can check the status of an event by clicking the Event Status button in the list. When you click the Edit Event button , you can open the Edit Event page to edit this event.


Click here to see the quick tour of "All Events and Calendar".
